Raising the bar on liquor liability


If you own a business that sells any type of alcohol (whether for on or off premises consumption), you'll want liquor liability insurance.

Simply put, liquor liability insures a business against damages claimed as a result of a patron becoming intoxicated and injuring themselves or others, i.e. from fights, reckless behavior and even automobile accidents.

What's the difference between general liability and liquor liability?

There is a lot of misinformation out there about what exactly liquor liability protects against, and how it differs from general liability. Think “slip and falls” are covered under General Liability? Not if the accident was alcohol-induced. Any loss that is liquor-related is typically excluded under general liability.

Some carriers offer liquor liability with assault & battery coverage, while others do not. To find out what coverage best fits you, talk to one of our insurance advisors.

Can I get a claims example?

  • A patron in a nightclub is beat up by another patron. The victim claimed the assault occurred because the other patron was intoxicated. The club is sued for the negligent serving of alcohol.

  • A woman drinks a few glasses of wine at a restaurant. About half an hour after departing the premises, she strikes an oncoming truck. Her blood alcohol content is discovered to be twice the legal limit at the time of the accident. The other driver suffers severe injuries and required numerous surgeries. The bar is sued for serving a visibly intoxicated patron and failing to properly hire and train employees.

  • A rowdy patron accidentally drops her beer bottle from the second floor of a bar. It lands on and cracks open another patron’s skull. The beer bottle was purchased on-site and the bar is held accountable for the negligent serving of alcohol.

Some businesses that may need liquor liability:

  • Convenience and/or liquor stores

  • Grocery stores

  • Bars and/or clubs

  • Hotels/motels

  • Special events

  • Restaurants


Errors & omissions–do you need it?


Ordinance or law coverage